5 Ways to Motivate Yourself to Exercise

“I don’t have time”

“I’m too tired”

“Not even sure where to begin”

How many of these excuses have you used? How many other excuses have you made up along the way? Personally I’ve used these and several others many times over. It’s funny how our mind works when we know something is good for us and we may have even seen success doing it, but we still have to try to convince ourselves to do it.

Such is the case with motivating yourself to exercise. Trust me I know all too well. My scheduled workout time is at 5am and even though I’m using a home gym it is still a struggle to get up and get under the weights. It literally takes talking to myself and convincing ME that I need to do this.

In struggling to push through these obstacles, I’ve come up with the 5 following tips to help break through these anchors that are holding you from accomplishing your goals:

  1. You are better than this! – This is one of the first things I tell myself. I’ve never settled for less or average before in my personal or professional life, so why would I do the same for my exercise program? Quitting is what’s expected as that’s why you see gyms fill up in January and empty out again in February. It’s a cycle that most of the public follows but again, are you average or above average?
  2. This will help so many different facets of your life – Sticking with the proper exercise (and diet) program will help nearly every part of your life. Once you’re underway you often begin to gain confidence which shines through at work, in relationships, and even your general outlook on life. I know we live in a time where we strive for equality and that is great for our society, but reality and studies have shown that those who are considered more attractive and in shape generally have more success in a professional setting. It shows you are able to commit to something and accomplish a goal you’ve set for yourself.


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